Quilting is one of the most satisfactory craft I know. Before the invention of quilting machines, it used to take 2-3 months to make a beautiful hand stitched quilt.

Today, we have quilting machines, which can produce extremely exquisite quilts enmass. Do we need quilting machines, you would ask. It seems like the quilting machines are robbing the heartfelt warmth behind the craft – the real essence of it. However, any day my answer would be YES. Why? Because quilting machines help us do our best in the minimum possible time. Today, in the day of micro ovens, Internet and nano technology – when 24 hours a day is not sufficient for anybody – why waste time?

Quilting machines help us indulge in this wonderful craft without feeling guilty of wasting our time on “mushy stuff”. The love and feelings are still there, as any quilt maker will tell you. Just choosing the pattern and fitting it, involves immense care and loving hands. The quilting machines do not rob any of the love involved; they just help us do it faster. And even if I hate to say it, sometimes quilting machines even help us do it better.

In my grandmother’s days quilts were given as presents over Christmas, or when a bay would be born, or when newly weds were given a wedding shower. Today, thanks to the quilting machines, we can give them to our close friends and relatives as often as we like. Due to the quilting machines, we can also have a non-exhaustive list of models and types of quilts.

The quilting machines also give it a “perfect” look, which sometimes is a bit cold. This is where some people have adopted an old tradition. They knowingly put one pattern wrong, or stitch it upside down. Long time back, much before the quilting machines were even part of our imagination – this tradition was born somewhere in the 19th-mid 20th century when artisans thought that a perfect quilt would attract evil eyes. Hence, they would introduce a wrong block, which was called as “humility block” – aptly named as it humbles one from the thought that he/she is perfect.

The greatest contribution of the quilting machines however, is the power it gave the normal artisan. Because of the quilting machines the traditional quilting art has not died. The artisan can compete, produce and generate a good profit from this wonderful craft thanks to the advent of the quilting machines of today.

There are a number of small cottage industries, as well as big textiles industries that produce and sell machine-made quilts to the delight of the million buyers like us, who would not have dreamt of having one otherwise.

Modernisation has brought this art to the capacity of competing and holding its own in this fast and competitive market of the modern ages. Quilting machines are keeping one of the most beautiful traditions of the past alive.

Quilting machines have only one down side. They are difficult to repair when they go wrong. That is why most of the quilting machines manufacturers’ advice the owners to maintain good networking with others who own them for advice and easy reference.